
Adress1, Notre-Dame East St
Montréal (Quebec)
H2Y 1B6
WebsitePalais de justice de Montréal - Ministère de la justice (
Phone Number 514 393-2721
Court Office HoursMonday to Friday :
from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Judicial CalendarFrom September 2, 2024 to June 24, 2025

(French only)

En cas d’urgence, un juge de garde est disponible en tout temps, en dehors des heures normales d'ouverture des tribunaux.

Pour le joindre, il faut contacter le Service de sécurité du palais, au 514 393-2819 qui à son tour, communiquera avec le greffier. Celui-ci communiquera directement avec la personne qui requiert l'intervention du juge de garde.

Coordinating Judge for the Civil and Family Division

Hon. Frédéric Pérodeau                             


Valérie Robert

Phone 514-393-2366
Fax               514 228-4518


Coordinating Judge for the Commercial Division
Judge          Hon. David L. Collier                                     
Assistant Micheline Khoury
Phone514 393-2752
Fax 514 393-4889


Coordinating Judge for the Class Action Division
Judge       Hon. Martin F. Sheehan                                       
Assistant     Mélodie Desaulniers
Phone514 393-2187
Fax 514 904-4135


Coordinating Judge for the Settlement Conference Division
Judge        Hon. France Dulude                   
AssistantMélanie Poitras
Phone514 393-2196
Fax514 904-4217


Coordinating Judge for the Criminal Division
Judge               Hon. Lyne Décarie                        
Phone514 393-2191, ext. 53160 

Forms applicable in this district are :

- In the schedule of the « Directives and Schedules for Montréal's District - January 1st, 2023 »:

- In the schedule of the Directives and Schedules for Montréal's Division, here;

- Under the Â« Forms Â» section of the Montréal Division.

Civil Court Office 
Procédure en ouverture d’instance et tarification
Phone 514 393-2028, option 1       


Rolls Service 

Rôles de pratique civile et de pratique familiale

Phone  514 393-2021, option 1  

514 864-8588                        


Rôles civil et familial (causes au fond)
Phone 514 393-2021, option 2
Fax 514 864-8588                     


Vérification des protocoles et des dossiers pour une mise au rôle de fond, émission des certificats et traitement des états de frais
Phone 514 393-2021, option 3       
Commercial Division (Bankruptcy and Insolvency)
Phone           514 393-2028, option 3                                   


Judicial Year and Months of July and August
Day and frequency    Every business day                                                                                     
Time    9 a.m.
Courtroom   16.12


For the specific directives of the Commercial Division, see the Directives du district de Montréal en vigueur à compter du 1er janvier 2023 (English version coming soon).

Class Actions Division
Phone       514 393-2187                                          
Fax  514 904-4135


As soon as an application for authorization to institute a class action is filed at the Clerk’s Office, the coordinating judge for class actions must be notified of the application.

Cases in the Class Actions Division are assigned to a special case management judge until their trial readiness.

For the specific directives of the Class Actions Division, see the Directives du district de Montréal en vigueur à compter du 1er janvier 2023 (English version coming soon).


Registry of Class Actions

Settlement Conferences Division
Phone  514 393-2021, option 4           
Fax514 393-4864


For more information regarding settlement conferences, please refer to the Settlement Conferences Division page.

Copy of a Document File, Minutes or Other Documents and Withdraw Exhibits (Civil Court Office)
Phone                             514 393-2028, option 2                                 

How to Proceed      

To request a copy of a document filed (minutes, judgments or other documents) at the court office or withdraw exhibits or for the issue of a certificate, you must :

  You can also make the request personally at the civil court office, room 1.140.

Processing time                                                                          

Your request will be processed as soon as possible, no later than 30 business days, following the payment.                  


(French only)


Traduction de jugement
Téléphone :         514 393-2030, option 1                                                       



Suivi du traitement des dossiers par les greffiers spéciaux
Téléphone :  514 393-2030, option 2                                 




Enregistrement et transmission de jugement (civil et familial)
Téléphone :         514 393-2030, option 3                                                         

1) During Court Office Hours

A judge acting in chambers is available every business day in courtroom 2.13.

To be heard in that courtroom, you must first pay the court fees (judicial stamp) and have a file opened at the clerk's office, and then contact the clerk in the room at 514 393-2535, extension 57202.


2) Outside Court Office Hours

In an emergency, a duty judge is available at all time outside normal court business hours.

The duty judge can be reached by contacting the courthouse security service 514-393-2819 which will, in turn, contact the duty judge who will then communicate directly with the person making the request.

1) Transfer of case (Art. 48 C.C.P.) 

La demande doit être notifiée à la partie adverse avec un avis de présentation qui mentionne « Ã  une date qu’il plaira à la juge en chef de fixer Â». La demande et la preuve de signification doivent être déposées au dossier de la Cour et une copie doit être transmise par courriel à l’adresse ou par télécopieur au 514 873-5959. Le bureau de la juge en chef vous indiquera de quelle façon votre demande sera entendue.


2) Vexatious or quarrelsome litigant

Lorsqu'un jugement rendu par un juge de la Cour supérieure déclare une personne « plaideur vexatoire ou quérulent Â», il est nécessaire d’obtenir l’autorisation de la juge en chef ou d’un juge qu’elle désigne avant de déposer une procédure.

Voici la marche à suivre :

  1. Préparer une demande d’autorisation de déposer une procédure soutenue par une déclaration sous serment;
  2. Cette demande d’autorisation doit être accompagnée d’une copie de la procédure pour laquelle l’autorisation est demandée ainsi que, le cas échéant, les pièces à son soutien;
  3. Le tout doit être acheminé au bureau de la juge en chef par courrier Ã  l’adresse suivante : Juge en chef de la Cour supérieure, Palais de Justice, 1, rue Notre-Dame Est, Montréal (Québec) H2Y 1B6.

Il est suggéré de joindre la copie du jugement déclarant la personne « plaideur vexatoire ou quérulent Â».

Si l’autorisation est accordée, l’original de l’autorisation sera transmis par lettre puisque cette autorisation devra être jointe à la procédure autorisée. Il est donc important d’indiquer une adresse postale.

Judicial Year and Months of July and August

Day and frequency Every business day *                                                                           
Time9 a.m.


Motions requiring a hearing of two hours or more are referred by the special clerk to the master of the rolls to allow a date to be set.

If all parties consent, Motions requiring a hearing of less than two hours may be referred by the special clerk to the master of the rolls to allow a date to be set.

If consent cannot be obtained from the parties, the Motions are referred to courtroom 2.08 to be heard if progress of the roll so allows or postponed to a later date.

* Always check the Superior Court roll to validate the date of a hearing.

Judicial Year and Months of July and August

Day and frequency    Every business day*                                                                                      
Time9 a.m.
Courtroom 2.17


Motions requiring a hearing of two hours or more are referred by the special clerk to the master of the rolls to allow a date to be set.

If all parties consent, Motions requiring a hearing of less than two hours may be referred by the special clerk to the master of the rolls to allow a date to be set.

If consent cannot be obtained from the parties, the Motions are referred to courtroom 2.01 to be heard if progress of the roll so allows or postponed to a later date.


* Always check the Superior Court roll to validate the date of a hearing.

1) Calling of the General Provisional Roll (Courtroom 15.07)

Following the issue of an Attestation that a File is Complete, cases in which the Joint Declaration that a File is Complete provides for a hearing of less than ten days are scheduled for a calling of the general provisional roll presided by the special clerk.


2) Calling of the Special Provisional Roll

Following the issue of an Attestation that a File is Complete, cases in which the Joint Declaration that a File is Complete provides for a hearing of ten days or more are scheduled for a calling of the special provisional roll presided by the chief justice or the assistant chief justice or by a judge designated by any of them.

1) Application for postponement on the day of the hearing

Every application made on the day of the hearing for the postponement of a case, whether a practice case or a case proceeding on its merits, has to be formulated orally to the judge designated to hear the case.


2) Application for postponement contested prior to the day of the hearing

Every application for postponement contested prior to the day of the hearing must be presented in writing in courtroom 2.16 in civil matters or in courtroom 2.17 in family matters.


3) Application for postponement not contested prior to the day of the hearing

Every application for postponement that is not contested prior to the day of the hearing must be presented in writing to the judge responsible for the roll on which the case is placed.

An application for a pre-trial conference in a case ready to be heard may only be made after the case has been placed on a provisional role and when ordered by the special clerk, ex officio or at the request of the parties.


The use of technological assistance in the Montréal courthouse is possible in the following situations:


Telephone conference call

For the presentation of an uncontested Motion to Extend a Time Limit of 180 days, a Case Management Notice, a Motion to Examine a Third Party by Consent or a Motion for a Ruling on Foreseeable Objections, a telephone conference call is accepted on the following conditions:

  • The parties must file the motion and amended time limit at least two (2) clear days before the date of the hearing;
  • The attorney who presents the motion must call 514-393-2322 to obtain a date and time for the hearing and a conference identification number;
  • The service is available once per week, in the afternoon, by appointment only;
  • The detailed procedure is set out in the Directives du district de Montréal en vigueur à compter du 1er janvier 2023 (French only).


To hear witnesses during an examination on the merits, a videoconference may be used based on the following procedure:

  • The parties must have obtained prior authorization from the coordinating judge or the judge designated to hear the case (if known);
  • At least 5 days before the date of the hearing, the parties or their attorneys must contact the audiovisual and electronic services division (Service des ressources audiovisuelles et électroniques or SRAVE) at 514-864-7283 to make the necessary technical arrangements.

Please note that unless a videoconference is specifically required, the technology cannot be used if a telephone conference call would otherwise meet all the requirements of the hearing (for example: to hear a witness at a hearing presided at by a judge).