Beauharnois (Salaberry-de-Valleyfield)

Adress74, Académie St.
J6T 0B8

Palais de justice de Salaberry-de-Valleyfield - Ministère de la justice (                  

Phone number 450 370-4006
Court Office HoursMonday to Friday :
from 8:30 am to 12:45 pm and 1:45 pm to 4:30 pm


(French only)

En cas d’urgence, un juge de garde est disponible en tout temps, en dehors des heures normales d'ouverture des tribunaux.

Pour le joindre, il faut contacter le Service de sécurité du Palais de justice de Montréal, au 514 393-2819 qui à son tour, communiquera avec le greffier de garde. Celui-ci communiquera directement avec la personne qui requiert l'intervention du juge de garde.

Coordinator for the district of Beauharnois (Salaberry-de-Valleyfield)
Judge*:  Hon. François P. Duprat
Assistant:Valérie Marcil
Phone:  450 370-4012
Fax:  450 370-4015
E-mail :


Master of the rolls, Superior Court
Phone :  450-370-4030
Fax :  450-370-3022

To view the communiqués applicable to all the districts, please see the Montréal's Division Communiqués.

Forms applicable in this district are also :

- In the schedule of the « Directives and Schedules for Beauharnois District - January 1st, 2023 »;

- In the schedule of the Directives and Schedules for Montréal's Division, here;

- Under the Â« Forms Â» section of the Montréal Division.


1) Transfer of case (Art. 48 C.p.c)

La demande doit être notifiée à la partie adverse avec un avis de présentation qui mentionne « Ã  une date qu’il plaira au juge en chef de fixer Â». La demande et la preuve de signification doivent être déposées au dossier de la Cour et une copie doit être transmise par courriel à l’adresse ou par télécopieur au 514 873-5959. Le bureau du juge en chef vous indiquera de quelle façon votre demande sera entendue.

2) Vexatious or quarrelsome litigant 

Lorsqu'un jugement rendu par un juge de la Cour supérieure déclare une personne « plaideur vexatoire ou quérulent Â», il est nécessaire d’obtenir l’autorisation du juge en chef ou d’un juge qu’il désigne avant de déposer une procédure.

Voici la marche à suivre :

  1. Préparer une demande d’autorisation de déposer une procédure soutenue par une déclaration sous serment;
  2. Cette demande d’autorisation doit être accompagnée d’une copie de la procédure pour laquelle l’autorisation est demandée ainsi que, le cas échéant, les pièces à son soutien;
  3. Le tout doit être acheminé au bureau du juge en chef par courrier Ã  l’adresse suivante : Juge en chef de la Cour supérieure, Palais de Justice, 1, rue Notre-Dame Est, Montréal (Québec) H2Y 1B6.

Il est suggéré de joindre la copie du jugement déclarant la personne « plaideur vexatoire ou quérulent Â».

Si l’autorisation est accordée, l’original de l’autorisation sera transmis par lettre puisque cette autorisation devra être jointe à la procédure autorisée. Il est donc important d’indiquer une adresse postale.

Day and frequency :    Fridays ( approximately twice per month on predetermined days ) *
Time :    8:45 a.m.
Courtroom :3


Case management
Day and frequency :    Fridays ( approximately twice per month on predetermined days ) *
Time :9 a.m.
Courtroom :5




During July and August, the Superior Court will sit as follows:

Day and frequency :    Two Wednesdays in July and one Wednesday in August*
Time :9 a.m.


Case management
Day and frequency :Two Wednesdays in July and one Wednesday in August*
Time :9 a.m.
Courtroom :5


The roll for contested applications and the general roll will be called in courtroom 5, where contested and non-contested applications will also be heard.

Contested cases will be heard by the judge sitting in the second division in courtroom 6.

The judge sitting in the second division may sit in another courtroom.You will be advised accordingly.


Form: Joint Declaration to Fix a Hearing of More than Two Hours

* Always check the Superior Court roll to validate the date of a hearing.


Day and frequency :    Thursdays depending on the week, Wednesdays or Fridays *
Time :    8:45 a.m.
Courtroom :3


Case management
Day and frequency :    Every Thursday and Friday *
Time :9 a.m.
Courtroom :5




During July and August, the Superior Court will sit as follows:

Day and frequency :    Three Thursdays in July and every Thursday in August *
Time :9 a.m.


Case management
Day and frequency :Three Thursdays in July and every Thursday in August *
Time :9 a.m.
Courtroom :5


The attorneys or parties involved in a case on the general roll must appear before the special clerk to inform the clerk about the progress of the case;

The roll of contested applications will be called, and applications to add cases to the roll will be heard, by the judge sitting in first division in courtroom 5 at 9 a.m.;

Hearings before the judge sitting in first division begin at 9 a.m.;

Hearings before the judge sitting in second division in courtroom 6 begin at 9:30 a.m.


Form: Joint Declaration to Fix a Hearing of More than Two Hours

* Always check the Superior Court roll to validate the date of a hearing.

Any proceeding in a commercial matter must be filed at the civil division clerk’s office.

For the General Directives Governing the Commercial Division, see the Directives de la Cour supérieure pour le District de Montréal (English version coming soon) and the Commercial notice of November 2, 2020 - Notice concerning operations in courtrooms 16.10 and 16.04.

As soon as an application for authorization to institute a class action has been filed at the clerk’s office, the coordinating judge for class actions must be notified of the application.

For the specific directives of the Class Actions Division, see the Directives de la division de Montréal et leurs annexes - 1er janvier 2023 (English version coming soon).

Register of class actions


  • September 17, 2012
  • October 24, 2012
  • December 10, 2012
  • January 16, 2013
  • February 19, 2013
  • March 18, 2013
  • April 22, 2013
  • June 17, 2013

A notice of convocation is sent by the master of the rolls.

The roll is generally called in courtroom 5 at 9 a.m. unless otherwise indicated.

Attorneys familiar with the case must be present for the calling of the provisional roll, ready to discuss the case in particular with regard to the following points:

  • The approximate duration of the inquiry and hearing;
  • The matters in dispute;
  • The exhibits, expert testimony, examinations and documents relating to the dispute;
  • The scheduled number of witnesses;
  • The choice of a date for the trial that suits both the attorneys and the parties and witnesses; their availability must be verified before the attorneys attend the calling of the provisional roll.

A failure to meet these requirements may cause the case to be struck off the roll.

1) Judge acting in chambers

On court days, the Motion must be presented when the roll is called. The judge sitting in the first division, taking into account the roll for the day and the duration of the hearing specified in the Motion, determines whether it may be heard.

In other cases, the Motion is referred to the judge sitting in Montréal in the civil case management division in courtroom 2.07.

2) Duty judge

On weekdays on which the court is not sitting, the Motion must be presented to the judge sitting in Montréal in the civil case management division.

At other times, in other words on statutory holidays, at the weekend or after normal court business hours, a duty judge can be contacted through the Montréal courthouse security service at 514-393-2819.


1) Application for postponement made on the day of the hearing

In a case proceeding on its merits, whether contested or not, the application must be presented at the calling of the roll to the judge sitting in first division, who decides whether or not to refer the application to the judge assigned to the case.

In a practice case, if the case is on the roll of contested matters, the application must be presented at the calling of the roll to the judge sitting in first division.

In a practice case, if it is on the general roll for a Family Practice Division day, the application must be presented at the calling of the roll to the special clerk who may decide, if the case is contested, to refer the application to the judge sitting in first division.

2) Contested application for postponement made prior to the day of the hearing

In a practice case or a case proceeding on its merits that is contested, the Motion must be presented on a practice day to the judge sitting in first division or to the judge assigned to cases proceeding on their merits.

3) Uncontested application for postponement made prior to the day of the hearing

In an non-contested practice case, upon receipt of a letter to that effect, the application is dealt with directly by the master of the rolls.

In an non-contested case proceeding on its merits, upon receipt of a letter to that effect, the application is dealt with by the coordinating judge or the judge assigned to cases proceeding on their merits.

All cases scheduled for a hearing of more than three days are referred for a pre-trial conference.

The coordinating judge may also, at the calling of the provisional roll, refer certain cases for a pre-trial conference.

Pre-trial conferences are scheduled by the coordinating judge and generally take place on one or two days each month, at predetermined dates.

The use of technological assistance during hearings at the Salaberry-de-Valleyfield courthouse is possible in the following situations:

Telephone conference call

A directive has yet to be adopted.


To hear witnesses during an examination on the merits, a videolink may be used based on the following procedure:

The master of the rolls or chief clerk, as the case may be, must be contacted to make a reservation and ensure that a room and the necessary equipment are available.