RE: Demand for judicial evocation and revision (art. 846 C.C.P.)

Please note that every demand for judicial evocation or revision (art. 846 C.C.P.) must be submitted with a brief (less than 10 pages) from each party, which will be entered into the court file. The parties or, in other cases, the court, will set the time limits for submitting the briefs, which must be submitted before a date is set for the hearing.

Each brief must include

  • A summary of the decision for which revision or annulment is demanded;
  • The matter(s) in dispute;
  • The revision standard(s) applicable;
  • The grounds on which the decision needs to be revised, annulled or maintained;
  • A list of relevant doctrine.


  • On the date of presentation of the demand, the attorneys must be present and agree on a timetable. They must also complete the time management form.
  • The file is postponed pro forma to practice chamber on a date that matches the attorneys’ time limits.
  • If the case is ready to proceed on that date, the attorneys do not need to attend, except if their opinions diverge. If so, they must notify the person responsible for the roll, verbally or in writing, or, if that person is absent, the master of the rolls, in the various districts concerned by this directive.

For the district of Gatineau:

Person responsible for the rolls: Ms. Mireille Cyr, 819-776-8100, extension 60480, fax: 819-772-3036 or the master of the rolls: Mtre. Lise Duchesne, 819-776-8100, extension 60488;

For the district of Labelle (section Mont-Laurier):

Master of the rolls: Ms. Chantal Désabrais, 819-623-2591, extension 68304, fax: 819-623-6859;

For the district of Labelle (section Maniwaki):

Person responsible for the rolls: Ms. Joëlle Barbe, 819-449-5168, fax: 819-449-6085;

For the district of Pontiac:

Person responsible for the rolls: Ms. Micheline Bergeron, 819-648-2880, fax: 819-648-5931.

  • The file is then referred to the master of the rolls for a date to be fixed by conference call.


Pierre Isabelle, j.s.c.
Coordinating judge for the Superior Court
Districts of Gatineau – Pontiac - Labelle